The Reclamation of Power (Ritual)

A spell for empowerment, protection, and releasing outside judgment.

You’ll Need:

  • A white candle (purity & clarity)
  • A black candle (protection & banishing negativity)
  • A red candle (personal power & confidence)
  • A bay leaf (for strength & success)
  • A small pinch of rosemary (for protection & clarity)
  • A small pinch of cinnamon (to amplify power)
  • A small pinch of salt (for cleansing & boundaries)
  • A fire-safe dish


1️⃣ Prepare Your Space

  • Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Set up your candles in a triangle:
    • White at the top (connection to Source)
    • Black to the left (banishing negativity)
    • Red to the right (personal power)
  • Place your bay leaf, rosemary, cinnamon, and salt in front of you.

2️⃣ Light the Candles & Set Your Intention

  • Take three deep breaths, feeling the elements around you.
  • Light the white candle, saying:
    “I call upon my highest truth and light. I stand firm in my power, strong and bright.”
  • Light the black candle, saying:
    “I release all fear, doubt, and shame. No outside force shall dim my flame.”
  • Light the red candle, saying:
    “I rise, I shine, I reclaim me. I walk this path, fierce and free.”

3️⃣ Speak the Spell
Hold the bay leaf in your hands and say:

“I return my power back to me,
And connect to myself, nature, and my spirituality.
No words, no fear, no judgment stays,
I am shielded and guided in all my ways.
Like the earth, I stand rooted and strong,
Like the wind, I rise and move along.
Like the fire, I burn with divine might,
Like the water, I flow with sacred insight.“*

4️⃣ Charge the Herbs & Release Blocks

  • Sprinkle rosemary into your fire-safe dish, saying:
    “I clear my mind, I see my way.”
  • Sprinkle cinnamon, saying:
    “I call back my power, stronger each day.”
  • Sprinkle salt, saying:
    “Boundaries strong, negativity gone.”
  • Write your name or initials on the bay leaf and hold it over the red candle for a few seconds, charging it with power.
  • Then, burn the bay leaf in the black candle’s flame, visualizing all outside negativity dissolving.

5️⃣ Seal the Spell & Close the Circle

  • Place your hands over the flames and say:
    “I stand in my truth, unshaken, free.
    No shadow, no voice shall take this from me.
    I am whole, I am fire, I am divine.
    This power, this light, forever is mine.”
  • Blow out the black candle first, then the white, and finally the red, sealing the energy.
  • Take any ashes from the bay leaf and sprinkle them outside or into the wind to release the energy fully.

Final Step:

For the next three days, take a moment in the morning to touch your heart, take a deep breath, and say:
“I am powerful. I am protected. I am free.”

This keeps the energy activated and reinforces your spell.

About me

Hi, I’m Christina. After spending decades trying to live up to society’s standards and playing by everyone else’s rules, ultimately watering down my true expression, passions and voice, I have since made it my mission to help others awaken their own magick within so they manifest everything they desire to be, do and have.

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