New Moon Magick: Rituals & Things to Do Around the House for Fresh Beginnings

The New Moon is a time of rebirth, renewal, and intention-setting. It marks the beginning of a fresh lunar cycle, making it the perfect time to clear out stagnant energy, refresh your space, and perform rituals that align with your desires.

Whether you’re looking to manifest abundance, set goals, or simply cleanse your home, the New Moon is a powerful time to do so.

In this post, we’ll explore ways to prepare your home for the New Moon energy and powerful rituals you can perform to manifest your desires.

5 Things to Do Around the House During the New Moon

Your home is an extension of your energy field, so preparing your space for the New Moon ensures that your intentions have a clean, supportive environment to take root. Here’s what you can do:

1. Declutter & Cleanse Your Space

Before you bring in new energy, you need to remove the old. Take some time to:

Declutter – Donate or discard items that no longer serve you.
Deep clean – Sweep, mop, and dust with intention, visualizing any stagnant energy leaving your space.
Wipe down mirrors – Mirrors hold energy, and cleaning them helps refresh their vibrations.

After cleaning, do an energetic cleanse using:

Smoke cleansing – Burn sage, palo santo, or incense to clear negative energy.
Sound cleansing – Use bells, clapping, or singing bowls to break up stuck energy.
Open windows – Let fresh air circulate to remove old, lingering energy.

2. Refresh Your Altar or Sacred Space

If you have an altar, reset it for the New Moon by:

– Swapping out old candles, herbs, or offerings.
– Placing a fresh crystal, such as moonstone, clear quartz, or selenite.
– Writing a new affirmation or intention to display.

Even if you don’t have an altar, you can create a manifestation space with a simple candle, crystal, and a notebook where you set your New Moon intentions.

3. Rearrange or Reset a Space

The New Moon is a great time to rearrange furniture or refresh the energy in a specific area of your home. Consider:

– Moving furniture to change the flow of energy.
– Adding a new plant to symbolize growth.
– Hanging or replacing artwork that inspires your intentions.

This act physically and energetically shifts your environment, making space for fresh opportunities.

4. Nurture Your Plants

Plants are living beings that absorb energy, so taking care of them during the New Moon is an excellent way to connect with nature. Water, prune, or repot them while setting an intention for growth and renewal.

Tip: If you’re making New Moon Water (more on that below), use it to water your plants for an extra energetic boost.

5. Create a Vision Board or Journal Space

Since the New Moon is about planting seeds for the future, it’s a powerful time to:

– Create or update a vision board with images and words that reflect your dreams.
– Set up a dedicated journaling space where you write about your goals and manifestations.
– Light a candle while you journal to seal in your intentions with focused energy.

New Moon Rituals for Manifestation & Renewal

Once your space is cleansed and refreshed, it’s time to focus on magickal rituals that help you align with the lunar energy.

1. Set Intentions & Write Them Down

Writing intentions is one of the most powerful things you can do during the New Moon. Grab a journal and write:

  • What do you want to manifest this cycle?
  • What energy do you want to bring into your life?
  • What actions will you take to align with your desires?

Extra magick: Write your intentions on a bay leaf and burn it for quick manifestation.

2. New Moon Candle Ritual

– Choose a white candle (for new beginnings) or a black candle (for clearing the past).
– Hold it in your hands and visualize your intentions.
– Speak your desire into the flame as you light it.

Let the candle burn completely or snuff it out, thanking the energy for working in your favor.

3. Make New Moon Water

Place a jar of water outside overnight to absorb the moon’s energy.

In the morning, use it to:
– Drink and infuse yourself with New Moon energy.
– Add to a ritual bath.
– Water plants or cleanse crystals.

Tip: If you want extra protection and clarity, place a piece of selenite or clear quartz in the jar.

4. New Moon Bath or Shower Ritual

Water is deeply cleansing, making a New Moon bath or shower a great way to start fresh.

For a bath: Add rosemary, basil, or lavender for renewal and clarity.

For a shower: Imagine old energy washing away down the drain.

While bathing, repeat affirmations like:

“I release the past and welcome new opportunities.”
“I am open to abundance and aligned with my highest self.”

5. Crystal Charging & Meditation

Hold or place moonstone, clear quartz, or amethyst on your third eye or heart chakra.

Meditate on your vision for the future for at least 10 minutes.

Bonus: Sleep with a moon-charged crystal under your pillow for dream guidance.

6. Create a Sigil for Your Intentions

A sigil is a magickal symbol that encodes your desires.

– Write your intention as a statement (e.g., “I attract abundance”).
– Rearrange the letters to form a unique design.
– Draw it on paper, your wrist, or place it under your pillow.

Activate it by gazing at it, charging it with a candle, or tracing it with your fingers.

7. Tarot or Oracle Card Reading

The New Moon is a great time to seek guidance from the universe.

– Pull one card to see what energy is entering your life.
– Ask, “What should I focus on this lunar cycle?”
– Journal your insights and how they align with your goals.

8. Write a Letter to Your Future Self

Describe how you want your life to look by the next New Moon.
Seal it and set a reminder to open it in one month to track your progress.

9. Create a Manifestation Jar or Box

Fill a jar with:

  • A note with your desires.
  • Herbs like cinnamon (for success) or rosemary (for clarity).
  • A crystal that aligns with your goal.

Seal it with wax and place it on your altar or under your bed.

And remember,

You are the source of Magick

Christina / Awaken Magick Within

About me

Hi, I’m Christina. After spending decades trying to live up to society’s standards and playing by everyone else’s rules, ultimately watering down my true expression, passions and voice, I have since made it my mission to help others awaken their own magick within so they manifest everything they desire to be, do and have.

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