There are several spells and rituals that can help remove harm, ill wishes, or negative energy directed at you. These types of workings focus on protection, cleansing, and returning negative energy to its source with the intention of neutralizing harm rather than causing more.
Here’s a Protection & Reversal Candle Spell you can do to remove harmful energy and block further negativity:
- Black candle (for banishing negative energy)
- White candle (for purification and protection)
- A small mirror (to reflect negativity away)
- Salt (for cleansing)
- Rosemary or bay leaves (for protection)
- A small bowl of water (to cleanse energy)
- Your choice of protective crystals (black tourmaline, obsidian, or amethyst)
- Paper and pen
1. Cleanse Your Space
- Light incense or use sage/palo santo to cleanse the area.
- Sprinkle salt around your space to create a protective boundary.
2. Prepare the Candles
- Carve your name into the white candle, visualizing a protective light surrounding you.
- Carve the words “Return to Sender” or a banishing sigil into the black candle.
- Dress both candles with a bit of olive oil and sprinkle with rosemary or bay leaves.
3.Write Your Intention
- On a small piece of paper, write down a simple statement like:
“Any harm, ill wishes, or negativity sent my way is now removed, neutralized, and returned to its source with no harm to me or them. My energy is cleansed, protected, and at peace.”
4. Light the Candles
- Place the mirror behind the black candle (facing away from you) to reflect negative energy outward.
- Place the white candle in front of you to symbolize your protection.
- Light the black candle first, saying:
“I release all negativity, harm, and ill intentions sent my way. They no longer have power over me.” - Light the white candle, saying:
“I am protected by divine light. Peace and strength surround me.”
5. Burn the Paper
- Hold your paper over the flame of the black candle and let it burn in a fireproof dish, visualizing all negativity dissolving.
6. Seal the Spell
- Dip your fingers into the bowl of water and sprinkle it around your space, saying:
“I am cleansed. I am free. Only love and protection remain.” - Allow the candles to burn out safely.
7. Dispose of the Remains
- Bury the black candle remnants and ashes from the burned paper outside, away from your home.
- Keep the white candle’s remains or crystals near you for continued protection.
After the Ritual:
- Take a salt bath to cleanse any lingering energy.
- Avoid engaging with any drama or negativity from the family member(s).
- Carry a protective charm, such as black tourmaline, to reinforce the energy shift.