Road Opener Spell

Last night I went to the beach to burn some bay leaves with my intentions written on them. As I was leaving, I noticed the moon was in her waxing phase (This is the moon that comes right after the new moon. This moon lasts 5-6 days.)

So when I got home I opened up my Wicca book to see what kinds of rituals or intention setting I could do during these next few days. 

In the book it mentioned something called a Road Opener Spell.

A road opener spell is a type of magickal working designed to remove obstacles, clear paths, and create opportunities for success, progress, or personal growth.

It’s often used when someone feels stuck, blocked, or unable to move forward in a specific area of their life, such as career, relationships, or personal endeavors.

The spell’s intention is to “open the roads” so that the practitioner (you) can access new opportunities and achieve your goals with ease.

Key Elements of a Road Opener Spell

Symbolic Ingredients

  • Herbs: Common ones include lemongrass, basil, cinnamon, and bay leaves, which are associated with clearing, luck, and prosperity.
  • Oils: Road Opener oil is a popular addition and often contains herbs like lemon, orange, or other cleansing botanicals.
  • Candles: Yellow, orange, or white candles are typically used to symbolize clarity, opportunity, and new beginnings.

Intention Setting: The practitioner (you) sets a clear intention, focusing on the specific areas where they seek progress or clarity.

Ritual Tools

  • Incense: Such as frankincense or sandalwood, to purify the space and enhance focus.
  • Crystals: Citrine, pyrite, or clear quartz for amplifying success and clearing energy.
  • Invocation or Affirmations: Many practitioners call upon deities, spirits, or universal energies, or they use affirmations to reinforce the spell’s purpose. Call in whatever feels right to you. 

How to Perform a Road Opener Spell

Prepare the Space: Cleanse your area with smoke (sage, palo santo, or incense) and set up your altar or workspace.

Choose Correspondences: Gather your ingredients and tools that align with your intention.

Light the Candle: Carve your name or intention into the candle and anoint it with oil before lighting it.

Focus Your Energy: Meditate or visualize the obstacles in your life being removed and new doors opening.

Release the Spell: Let the candle burn completely (safely) and trust that your intention is sent into the universe.

When to Use It

  • When starting a new project, job, or relationship.
  • When feeling blocked or stagnant in any area of life.
  • During a new moon or waxing moon phase, which is ideal for setting intentions and drawing in new opportunities.

This spell is versatile and can be adapted to fit your needs, preferences or traditions. 

About me

Hi, I’m Christina. After spending decades trying to live up to society’s standards and playing by everyone else’s rules, ultimately watering down my true expression, passions and voice, I have since made it my mission to help others awaken their own magick within so they manifest everything they desire to be, do and have.

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