What Every Closet Witch Should Buy in 2025

Start building a magical toolkit that’s simple yet powerful. Best part, muggles won’t have a clue.

Crystal jewelry, pocket-sized tarot decks, and neutral candles bring magic into your everyday life. 🕯️📿

Add plants and dried herbs to connect with Earth energy and use essential oils, fountains, or salt lamps for cleansing and ambiance. 🌿

Stock up on journals for shadow work, moon tracking, and manifestation, and keep multifunctional tools like a mortar and pestle or jars for your craft. 📜

Don’t forget wearables like charm bracelets or pendants to carry your magic wherever you go! 🧿

PRACTICES TO EMBRACE – Make magic part of your daily routine! 🌙

Start with grounding rituals like barefoot walks or lighting a candle with intention. 😌

Align with the moon by journaling during New and Full Moons, and celebrate the seasons with simple nature-focused rituals.🌕

Cleanse your energy in the shower by visualizing negativity washing away, or balance your chakras with meditation. 🛀🏼

Dive into nature magic by collecting rainwater or using flowers and leaves in spells. 🌼

For guidance pull a tarot card or try scrying with water or candles to tap into your intuition. 🔥

🔮 Magic is in the small, intentional moments!

About me

Hi, I’m Christina. After spending decades trying to live up to society’s standards and playing by everyone else’s rules, ultimately watering down my true expression, passions and voice, I have since made it my mission to help others awaken their own magick within so they manifest everything they desire to be, do and have.

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